Detective Conan Forum

Super digest book, Stavo gironzolando per il sito dello Shōnen Sunday..

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view post Posted on 3/1/2015, 11:47     +1   +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Qua ci sono alcune domande appartenenti dal SB+50:
Fonte:El blog de tantei kid
1. ¿Va a dibujar "Conan" hasta el volumen 100?
Puede que lo dibuje. Puede que no lo dibuje.

2. ¡Díganos qué fue lo que le hizo más feliz y lo que le hizo sufrir más de ser un mangaka!
Lo que más me cuesta es no poder dormir. Lo que más me divierte es cuando voy a una fiesta me agasajan.

3. Aoyama-sensei, mientras trabaja se ha bloqueado y ¿Alguna vez ha tenido que huir de los editores? Además cuando se bloquea ¿Cómo hace para afrontarlo?
Qué hago huyendo (Risas). Si me bloqueo, ¡Duermo!

4. ¿Cuál es el dibujo (Escena) con la que se siente más aliviado cuando lo dibuja?
Pues "Conan Edogawa, detective".

5. ¿Hay algún manga o anime con el que se ha influenciado recientemente?
"Chihayafuru" y "Kimi ni Todoke".

6. Aoyama-sensei, de las series de "Super Sentai", "Kamen Rider" y "Ultraman" ¿Cúal le gusta más?
De "Kamen Rider" vi un poco de "W". El "1" y "2" en tiempo real. También vi "Ultraseven". Cuando jugaba a "Goranger" era el azul (Ao) porque soy "Aoyama" (Risas).

7. ¿Qué es lo que le gusta hacer en sus días de descanso?
"Kankore", mi preferido es el "Akagi". ¡No sale "Yamato"!

8. Cuéntenos cómo pasa sus días de descanso recientemente.

9. Aoyama-sensei, ¿Cuántas horas está dibujando manga normalmente?
Aproximadamente 20 horas... Para ser exactos son 19 horas y 30 minutos (Risas).

10. Aoyama-sensei, ¿Cuál es el personaje que piensa que es más "cool" mientras lo dibuja?
Debe ser Akai... Pienso que debo dibujarlo muy cool.

11. ¿Habrá en el futuro algún truco o situación que ninguno de los lectores se haya dado cuenta?
¡Sí hay!

12. Por favor haga una historia donde Conan esté enfermo o esté en una situación extrema.
En el pasado hice una donde estaba con resfrío. Seguro en el futuro habrá algo similar.

13. Para Aoyama-sensei, ¿Qué tipo de persona es Conan Edogawa?
¡Es mi portavoz!

14. Aoyama-sensei, ¿Cuál es el personaje que le gustaría que fuese su enamorada?
¡Todos los personajes femeninos!

Para terminar les quería agradecer por todos sus comentarios y saludos por el 7mo aniversario del blog!!!

Edited by Yukiko Fujimine - 11/1/2015, 19:34
view post Posted on 11/1/2015, 19:32     +1   +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Le prime 30 domande appartenenti al SB + 70:

Fonte: El blog de tantei kid

1. En comparación con hace 20 años de cuando empezó con la serialización ¿Qué es lo que ha cambiado más?
Que tengo más años (Risas).

2. Aoyama-sensei, ¿Cuál es el lugar de la ciudad Beika que le gustaría ir?
Creo que la casa de Shinichi.

3. ¿Usted elige al personaje de "La enciclopedia de famosos detectives"?
La mayoría lo hacen los asistentes. Además cuando son autores japoneses siempre pedimos permiso. Cuando lo dibujamos igual al actor también pedimos permiso.

4. ¿Qué personaje le gusta de "Sangokushi"
Creo que Kanu. Le va bien en los negocios y es fuerte.

5. ¿Cuál es el secreto para desempeñarse correctamente como mangaka?
Si dibujas por propia obstinación lo que quieres dibujar, no recibes aceptación y si dibujas lo que todos dibujan caerías en lo común. Por lo que es un balance de eso.

6. ¿Cuál es el lugar que recomienda para visitar en Londres?
Pues el "Museo de Holmes". En la parte para dejar saludos de tu visita, dibujé a Conan-kun. Para decir que Conan Edogawa estuvo aquí (Risas).

7. Cuando crea un personaje, ¿Cómo se le ocurre sus personalidades y demás?
La personalidad la saco de las novelas o películas que he visto hasta el momento. También de las personas de mi alrededor o de mí mismo también y así de diversos lugares.

8. ¿Cuál es el personaje femenino que le gusta dentro del "Detective Conan"? Por favor, díganos cuál sería su enamorada y cuál su esposa.
¿¡La enamorada y la esposa son distintas!? Pues la enamorada sería Ran-chan. La esposa Yukiko... (Risas).

9. Me gustaría saber el top 5 de sus personajes e historias favoritas.
Mi personaje favorito es Conan y el resto es el mismo. Mi episodio favorito es el caso de la bomba. Ese que sale Matsuda (Volumen 36).

10. ¿Qué es lo que le gusta de Conan-kun?
Si digo que me gusta porque me hace ganar dinero... Seguro se molestarán ¿No? (Risas).

11. Por favor, no lo acabe en este año. Ahora me encuentro en el extranjero y por un año no podré ir a Japón.
¡Seguramente no hay problema porque no acabará!

12. ¿Alguna referencia que tenga cuando piensa en las historias?
Pues en las películas, novelas u obras literarias.

13. Me gustaría que en el 20mo aniversario de las película, el protagonista sea Shinichi Kudo, pero en la primera hora que sea un historia del pasado de Shinichi (Shinichi x Ran) y la otra hora que sea una historia del presente donde sea una historia del futuro de Shinichi que se une con el de Ran. ¿Qué le parece esta idea?
Está buena. La quiero ver. Dibujala (Risas).

14. Me gustaría ver más episodios donde salga Shinichi.
Yo también quiero verlo (Risas).

15. ¿No le pasa que Conan se haga tan popular que dibujarlo sea una presión?
No pasa.

16. ¿No piensa en darle una pronta conclusión para tener su propio tiempo?
Un poco. Así podría hacer más "Kankore".

17. ¿Hay algun truco para seguir escribiendo historias por largo tiempo?
Aunque lo haya, yo no lo sé.

18. Sensei, cuando dibuja las escenas de asesinato ¿Con qué sentimiento lo dibuja?
Pues con la intención de un asesino (Risas). Creo que pongo una cara increíble.

19. ¿Cómo se le ocurren las frases "cool"?
Mientras pienso en cosas "cool". Seguramente en ese momento pongo una cara "cool".

20. ¿Qué es lo que espera de Japón a partir de ahora?
Que haga más emocionate las olimpiadas.

21. ¿Cuál es su canción favorita de Mai Kuraki?
Es "Secret of my heart".

22. No solamente en las películas, me gustaría que haga una saga en Kyoto en el manga. Ya que en la película fue Kyoto de primavera con el tema de Ushikawamaru, por lo que quisiera que en el manga sea un Kyoto de otoño con el tema de Ryoma Sakamoto.
Suena bien Kyoto. Sería bueno si voy para recolectar información allá. Es muy buena la comida de Kyoto.

23. Aoyama-sensei ¿Puede jugar fútbol?
No puedo.

24. Me gustaría ser en el futuro un seiyu de "Detective Conan" ¿Cómo podría hacer?
¡Esfuérzate mucho!

25. Por favor, que Conan vaya más a la región noreste.
Entonces toca un vieja para recolectar información a la región noreste (Risas).

26. ¿Cuál es la historia que le tomó más tiempo en hacerla?
Respecto a los dibujos, lo que más toma son las relacionadas a La Organización.

27. En la columna del volumen 79, Conan quien lleva anteojos está recogiendo unos anteojos, ¿Eso es un error?
¿¡De verdad!? ¡Es un error! No me había dado cuenta...

28. ¿Hay algún personaje que sólo apareció una vez, pero que se volvió popular más de lo esperado?
La chica masculina de Tantei Koushien, Natsuki Koshimizu.

29. ¿Tiene adicional tiempo para pensar en algo aparte del "Detective Conan"?
Sí hay. Cuando estoy haciendo "Kankore".

30. Por favor haga un evento de exhibición de Conan en la región Kansai donde se reúna con otros mangakas.
Sería bueno que se haga.

Meno male che le relazioni più difficili sono quelle dell'organizzazione...vederle almeno!
view post Posted on 19/4/2015, 13:20     +2   +1   -1

Super detective



These are most of the Super Digest Book Questions. Please add you translations if you translated the other questions. ^^

Q1: Don't you think it would be interesting if Conan has a brother?
A: Eh? Why a brother so suddenly? It would be interesting, but it would also be hard to draw. Sorry!

Q3: Will there be a love story in the Gunma prefecture?
A: What? You want to see one?

Q4: What are the reasons for people to join the Black Organization?
A: There are many reasons.

Q5: Are Elena Miyano and Shuichi Akai's/Sera's mother sisters?
A: Eh? Why's that?

Q6: Why did Akai-san decide to join the FBI?
A: It will be explained in the future.

Q8: Will Conan be in Shinichi Kudo's body for the final showdown?
A: Stay tuned.

Q15: Why can't Conan remember where he has seen Sera?
A: He's pretending (laugh)

Q17: What's your favorite thing about Conan?
A: The fact that it gives me money (laugh)

Q18: I would like to visit the studios where Conan is animated, can you give me the adress?
A: Don't ask me that kind of things~

Q21: How could someone become a friend of Conan's?
A: By reading and buying (many) mangas!

Q22: If everything goes on like this, could Conan not be able to regain his body again?
A: Stay tuned (laugh)

Q26: Why is Gin hair long and grey?
A: Because it's cool! (laugh)

Q28: How do you relax yourself?
A: I play with __ boat (laugh).
(note: not sure of that one. Is he talking about KanColle again?)

Q30: How can someone resolve a case?
A: By buying Conan in the inside (laugh)

Q32: Lupin vs Kid!!!
A: I want to see that too (laugh)

Q33: If you had one of Agasa's inventions, what would you do with it?
A: I would get to sleep my editor with the watch so I could sleep.

Q32: Please, Amuro vs Haneda!
A: Heh? A shogi match?

Q37: What does Amuro like?
A: Boxing.

Q38: What Amuro blond when he was born? Is he half-blooded?
A: Maybe (laugh)

Q39: Is Amuro in couple with someone?
A: He's single!

Q42: Why is the sister from outside the domain ill?
A: Why? He he he... (laugh)

Q43: If Kyogoku-san, Subaru-san and Amuro-san fought, who would win?
A: [can't understand the answser]

Q44: Kyogoku-san is really happy compared to how he used to be in the past. Is it because he found love?
A: Of course!

Q47: Please tell us how the Kudo couple met!
A: It's explained in a special!

Q48: Will you draw a story explaining why Takagi wanted to become a police officer?
A: Do you want me to draw it? (laugh)

Q50: The Organization has a "very secret" plan wich started half a century ago. Are the Black Organization and the Pacific War connected?
A: What~? Do you think that these two are related?

Q51: Who is the Organization's boss? You can just say a hint.
A: Hint: It's not Agasa!

Q52: Could you draw a showdown between the original Kaito Kid, Toichi Kuroba, and Yusaku Kudo?
A: I would like to draw it!

Q53: Who drives the fastest between Sato and Yukiko?
A: Sato, because she's the White Witch (laugh)

Q54: What good thing has happened to you recently?
A: [don't understand. I think it's a KanColle reference]

Q56: Will there be Shinichi and Ran'z wedding at the end of the manga?
A: What's going to happen? Look forward to it (laugh)

Q59: I like black-skinned people. I really want Amuro-san, Kyogoku-san and Heiji Hattori appear together in the manga. If drawing their face is a trouble, you could just make two of them appear at the same time. Please, Sensei!
A: Now, with computer painting, colorizing his face is not a trouble anymore, the main problem is the shape of his face.
(note: not sure about the answer)

Q65: Were you the one to chose Noriko Hidaka as the voice actor for Sera, or is it a member of the production company who chose her?
A: I chose her, because I like her!

Q67: Does Sera know about the Black Org?
A: She doesn't know.

Q68: Does Sera have a boyfriend?
A: No! But there is someone... (laugh)

Q69: Will there be something nobody predicted with Akai, Amuro and Sera? Please tell me!
A: [don't understand}

Q70: Does Akai have a gun he really likes? Every time the Organization appeared, Gin used a sniper.
A: I should ask my assistant Yamagishi.
(note: not entirely sure about the question)

Q71: Akai-san has repeated that he would "give his life to protect someone". Is it a foreshadowing for his death?
A: Stay tuned!

Q74: Could someone like Akai be real?
A: No, it's impossible (laugh)

Q77 is about Shuichi's and Amuro's type of woman.

Q80: Will Chiba be married?
A: Will he? (laugh)

Q84: Who decided wich character owns wich car?
A: I decided for Subaru's RX-7 and 360, but it's Yamagishi who decided for the other cars.

Q85: I want to see Heiji Hattori vs Kaito Kid!!
A : You want it~?

Q87: While solving all the problems in Conan, will the mystery on Kaito's father getting killed get solved in the mean time as well?
A: They won't be solved at the same time! Moreover, he didn't get killed!

Q88: Eisuke Hondo hasn't reappeared yet?
A: Not for the moment, but he's going to be interesting!

(note: No. Gosho, please. No, not Eisuke. Not again. :'( )

Q89: Why are there red bricks on the covers of the volumes?
A: The design department decided it.

Q90: In Detective Conan, who is like Aoyama-sensei?
A: Kogoro Mori.

Q91: Is Ran better in karate than she was before?
A: If there was karate at the Olympics, she would get the Gold Medal (laugh)

Q96: When will there be a devlopment in Shinichi and Ran's relationship? Ran only got scared after the confession in London...
A: Please look forward to it!
(note: not sure about the question)

Q99: Tell me how I could look like Ran!
A: You would have to do a horn in your hair. So you should just drop it (laugh)

Q100: My friend told me that there's a new boss in the BO!
A: Please tell your friend: Well done, it's false.

(note: not sure about this one)

Q102: Hello, Aoyama-sensei! My name is [a name from Hokuto no Ken] because my father is a fan of Hokuto no Ken. I really like Detective Conan so I want to name to name my child after Conan. [don't understand what is said after]

Q108: I've heard that you wanted to draw anime when you were young. I hope you'll draw until you die!
A: Oh, leave me alone! (laugh)

Q113: How many times do you go to Tottori each year?
A: Once, in January.

Q114: Well done Sensei, for the Tottori Conan Airport!
A: Ah, yes!

Q115: The Boss = Ano Kata = the first letter of his nickname = A, just as in "Aoyama Gosho", don't you think?
A: Interesting! But no.

Q116: Who is the producer currently?
A: It was Kurosawa before, now, it's Uchida.

Q118: Wich character tires you the most to draw?
A: Kid!

Q121: Wich character was the hardest to design?
A: It took a lot of effort to find Sera's design.

Q122: Do you play video games?
A: I do.
(note: not sure about this one)

Q123: Would you like to do moutain-climbing?
A: No.

Q128: How can I do so that my question appears in the SDB 80+?
A: Congrats, it appeared in the SDB!

Q129: Where would Sensei recommnd us to go in Britain? Or in other countries?
A: Big Ben. And for the other countries, Venice's sunset is really nice, but I don't have time to go in Italy.

Q130: Why do some people think you really are an eggplant? You're human!
A: I'm human!

Q131: Would Sensei like to do voice acting in a movie?
A: I'm too shy, so it's a no.

Q134: Was Sensei happy to go to Brazil?
A: Really happy!

Feel free to add your translations!

Q42: Why is the sister from outside the domain ill?
A: Why? He he he... (laugh)

RISPOSTA DI UN UTENTE DEL DCTP: I'm guessing it's a side effect from the drug.
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view post Posted on 19/4/2015, 20:38     +1   +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Grazie Fra per averle postate!!! Ieri stavo dal cell e non potevo inoltrarvele! Queste sono quelle tratte dal SBD +80!! :D
Allora, comincio commentando le risposte inerenti all'ammmmmòòòre della mia vita faccia da kudo lui
Quindi è mio.
Più che interessato al "boxing" direi al "boxering" stando con me (più che altro, togliendoseli) e per di più non baderebbe a una donna che parla troppo. Sono PERFETTA, punto.
Gosho ci ha già dichiarato LA coppia del manga per eccellenza, più chiaro di così
Piacerebbe anche a me vedere un caso con lui assieme ad Heiji e Kyogoku, ma conoscendo il Trollaoyama bah -_- più che altro vorrei sapere come diavolo è uscito biondo, qua anche Mendel si farebbe un paio di domande

Andiamo ora al resto...:
Ovviamente non si sbilancia ma ci dice di restare tuned (anche lui vuole le botte oggi ), ma cosa gli costa spifferare un qualcosa in più??! Non sappiamo NIENTE ancora!!! E bello felice ci spiattella come Conan lo porta all'estasi regalandogli fior di quattrini, beati idioti eh?
Non parliamo delle domande più idiote come le love story du kittensencula, la partita a Shogi tra l'effemminato e Amuro (no, non vogliamo vederla), Agasa che non è il boss (mavvààà), Toichi, Yusaku e gelatai vari #maancheno,
La guerra nel Pacifico???? Cosa mi sono persa??? :wacko: Beh e tra Sato e me, certo che vinco io, altro che strega bianca!!
Comunque se gli piace il tramonto di Venezia possiamo farglielo vedere con MOOOOOOOOOOOLTO piacere,,,,prima di averlo torturato a sangue come il colore del tramonto
view post Posted on 19/4/2015, 21:58     +1   +1   -1

Super detective



Grazie mille Snake per averle postate tutte quante, io avevo letto solamente le principali e quelle riguardo Amuro!

Q129: Where would Sensei recommnd us to go in Britain? Or in other countries?
A: Big Ben. And for the other countries, Venice's sunset is really nice, but I don't have time to go in Italy.

Gli conviene, se no sarebbe stato assaltato da parecchi utenti del nostro forum che non hanno preso benissimo le ultilme sue rivelazioni, inoltre deve ancora pagarla per aver osato ingannarci con il falso posteriore delle Divina.

Q67: Does Sera know about the Black Org?
A: She doesn't know.

Bene, allora con questo sappiamo che la bambina misteriosa non dorebbe essere collegata con Organizzazione ed aptx, o almeno lo spero vivamente.
Bejiita SSJ
view post Posted on 19/4/2015, 23:44     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Fra90Snake @ 19/4/2015, 14:20) 
Q99: Tell me how I could look like Ran!
A: You would have to do a horn in your hair. So you should just drop it (laugh)

Voi, voi che fate le domande... e pure tu, Gosho, che rispondi... andate a quel paese, ora e tutti
view post Posted on 19/4/2015, 23:50     +1   +1   -1

Super detective



Ok ne commento alcune:
Dopo tutta sta manfrina Sera non sa dell'Org? Ma seriamente??
Meno male che non vuole disegnare personaggi simili ad altri, direi che con Shinichi e Ran c'è riuscito. Sì eh.
Agasa non è il Boss, si sapeva già, bla bla, a 'sto punto dillo direttamente chi è, no?
Ma che azz mi significa che Conan finge di non conoscere Sera, ora anche lui ci mette ad allungare il brodo? No perchè Gosho basta e avanza.
Quando risponde "vedremo in futuro" comincio già a prepararmi per le grandi rivelazioni del 2040.

E vorrei fare i complimenti al traduttore che ha espresso la sua esasperazione all'idea che torni Eisuke: siamo tutti con te, amico.
view post Posted on 20/4/2015, 21:30     +1   +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Già ci sono rimasta anche io che Sera non sapesse nulla: quindi a che serve lei e i suoi ventordici fratelli??? E la ragazzina chi diavolo è quindi?!
Dai per Eisuke io sono contenta!! Almeno non abbandona i suoi personaggi XD
E Conan che finge, ma vabbè...sei #disturbato

Altre domande grazie a Startold e la pagina "The Red Thread" per averle trovate!

Q46: If Mitsuhiko is this intelligent, it's because he's a shrunken adult, right?
A: Not at all!
Q58: What do you think about the rules of shojo mangas? I would like them to be used in Detective Conan!
A: There are really some shojo codes in Conan, like when Ran and Shinichi communicate telepathically.
Q60: Have you already thought of what will happen when Ran and Shinichi will be in college?
A: Oh... well... stay tuned! (laugh)
Q69: Do Akai, Amuro and Sera have something unique that is hidden from us?
A: They are all not really good in music! (laugh)
Q73: Does Akai like kids? [The Red Thread note: Probably "like" is intended as "get along" here?]
A: Especially shrunken ones... (laugh)
Q76: What would Akai do on a date?
A: He would drive his car with his girlfriend, and nothing else.
Q77: What type of women do Akai and Amuro like?
A: Akai loves women that are quiet and don't get angry, and Amuro likes women who talk a lot and are not normal.

Q81: How much is a member of the Organization paid every month? Do they earn more money than you do?
A: Don't ask me that kind of questions!
Q96: What is going to happen to the ShinRan couple? Nothing happened after the declaration in London. And what's going to happen to Heiji and Kazuha?
A: I will do it soon, please wait a little more!

Ran e Shin al college? Ma intende all'università?? :woot:
No ma avete letto??!! La donna tipo di Amuro sono proprio io!!! Non sono normale, sono una #malataaaaaaaaaaa!!! Oh amore mioooo :wub:
E poi voglio sapere quanto guadagna un MIB, devo capire se Amuro devo mantenerlo o no
view post Posted on 20/4/2015, 21:50     +1   +1   -1

Super detective



Q73: Does Akai like kids? [The Red Thread note: Probably "like" is intended as "get along" here?]
A: Especially shrunken ones... (laugh)

Che riderissimo
Q58: What do you think about the rules of shojo mangas? I would like them to be used in Detective Conan!
A: There are really some shojo codes in Conan, like when Ran and Shinichi communicate telepathically.

Ecco fatti delle domande
Q76: What would Akai do on a date?
A: He would drive his car with his girlfriend, and nothing else.

Ok maccheppalla di appuntamento sarebbe lmao
Q69: Do Akai, Amuro and Sera have something unique that is hidden from us?
A: They are all not really good in music! (laugh)

In pratica l'unica buona con la musica in tutta la serie è Ran :lol:
Q60: Have you already thought of what will happen when Ran and Shinichi will be in college?
A: Oh... well... stay tuned! (laugh)

Possiamo già immaginare che il finale sarà con loro all'università quindi?
view post Posted on 20/4/2015, 21:52     +1   +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Che poi chissene se non sono bravi con la musica!! Sembra un prerequisito fondamentale per lui!!! -_- poi che appuntamento della menchia quello con lo asfalterei
view post Posted on 21/4/2015, 12:11     +1   -1




Agasa non è il Boss, si sapeva già, bla bla, a 'sto punto dillo direttamente chi è, no?

Secondo me non lo sa nemmeno lui chi è
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view post Posted on 21/4/2015, 12:20     +1   -1

Super detective



lo sa lo sa, lui e la moglie soltanto
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view post Posted on 21/4/2015, 12:52     +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Ex moglie tra l'altro!!!
A mio parere quoto Ai, non lo sa nemmeno lui
Sara Kudo
view post Posted on 21/4/2015, 21:29     +2   +1   -1
Intanto vi anticipo qualche traduzione in italiano.

Domani se riesco le pubblico qui scritte :D e procedo con le altre frasi ;)

39: Amuro sta insieme a qualcuno?
R: è single!

:wub: :wub: :wub:
view post Posted on 21/4/2015, 21:31     +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


Grazissime!!! :D
Eh sì, Amurino è singoletto per meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :wub:
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