Detective Conan Forum

Il nuovo mistero relativo agli ultimi casi, La misteriosa bambina che vive con Sera: chi è?

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view post Posted on 6/12/2013, 13:47     +1   -1

Super detective



lo scrivo qui che è più appropriato

l'utente sal ha scritto una interessante teoria sulla spoiler box del dctp... la copio qua e se magari qualcuno traducesse il tutto per piacere, grazie ;)

I just had a ridiculous idea/train of thought.

If the Child is really Sera's middle brother and she got the idea to dress him in girly clothes to hide his identity from Sonoko and Ran in File 844, then that makes two times Sera has used her underwear as an euphemism for her older brother.

She said she's wearing girly underwear in File 844, as in, she didn't use the "girly clothes" idea for herself, and covered that up by claiming to be wearing "girly" underwear, and then she hid Mystery Child in her room, and told Conan not to go there because it's messy and her underwear's scattered around.

While actually, what's in the room was the ? -child.

And that is the most hilariously awkward way to refer to your mysterious relative ever.

(Hey, maybe THAT'S why there's been so much focus on Sera's underwear!)

Also, I was thinking.

If the idea is that Shinichi and Ran met Sera at some point in the past, and Conan/Shinichi can only recall the vampire-like tooth Sera has does that mean they met Sera when she was old enough to have her permanent teeth, not milk teeth?

Because she wouldn't necessarily have had the same "fang" when she still had milk teeth...?

Then again, I could be overthinking this. (Do Conan and Haibara have permanent or milk teeth? XD )

Then again kids start getting their permanent teeth at around age 5-7 so she could have gotten the "fang" early and it could be a non-issue.

nel file 844 a pagina 6 Sera domanda "cosa potrei fare per non dare nell'occhio?" ma non si riferisce a lei ma al fratello... in quel momento ha pensato di mettergli abiti femminili per camuffarlo
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