Detective Conan Forum

File 963+

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view post Posted on 17/6/2016, 15:26     +1   -1

Detective avanzato



Kid travestito da Okiya penso sia una fesseria assurda. Tra l'altro Kid perché dovrebbe scattare una foto per scegliere da che travestirsi?

O Gosho ci sta trollando beatamente…

Comunque la rivale di Heiji ce la porteremo dietro… almeno sino al film dedicato a Kazuha (se ci va bene), se ci va male…

Comunque sto caso al 90% mi sa di grande vaccata. Akai se si è presentato, deve tenere conto che può essere smascherato… se non è lui… Kid come potrebbe travestirsi da lui? Tra l'altro, non consoce manco la sua voce.
Vabbè a meno che Kid è mago, ma questo è un colpo scorretto.

Comunque, la foto di Kid non mostra la mano di Okiya… Gosho nonostante sia calato, è maniacale in questi dettagli grafici. C'è una possibilità del 10% che possa esservi una grossa sorpresa, ma al 90% prevedo vaccata.
view post Posted on 17/6/2016, 16:53     +1   -1

Re non è colui che governa, ma colui che protegge la sua gente!



Vedere Akai e Conan contro Kaito kid mi fa pensare al Mystery Train, quando invece erano alleati
Ma questo caso non mi ispira granché, non vorrei che Gosho prendesse tempo prima di arrivare al capitolo mille rifilandoci casi che sanno di contentino (la risoluzione dell'ultimo era francamente assurda, persino per i suoi standard).
Speriamo che la rivale venga presentata presto, che senso ha introdurla in una vignetta per poi dimenticarsela per altri 20-30 capitoli?
Oltretutto la coppia Heiji-Kazuha è ancora a un punto morto...
view post Posted on 17/6/2016, 17:39     +1   -1

Super detective



Abbiamo l'ennesimo caso con Kid, che Gosho stia prendendo tempo è una certezza ma nulla di nuovo.
La rivale potrebbe perfettamente tornare tra 20-30 capitoli e ne sarei anche felice, visto il poco interesse che nutro per il personaggio. Comunque è uno standard anche questo, vorrebbe dire tra 2/3 volumi. Soprattutto perché se compare deve esserci Heiji, che compare già abbastanza spesso e un altro caso a brevissimo è improbabile.
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 11:48     +2   +1   -1

Super detective



File 964: Approach

Trying to find the memo inside of over 10,000 books is hard.

Jirokichi alreay tried, like Kogoro, to skim over all books by gathering all the staff but they didn't find it.

The widow brings up something else her late husband had mentioned: "Suppose you find the memo... You should be able to find the contents of the box, too, but..." yet it rather sounded like "you'll never find it". She never asked him "which" book it was because she thought it would be shameful to do so.

Kogoro's coughs are getting worse so Conan & Agasa go to the lobby where there are vending machines: Agasa also goes to the restroom and Conan waits for him.

Kogoro attempts to force the box open again: he ignores the "don't take it away" signpost and tries to jump back from the fence's range yet a new fence drops where he intended to land: Kogoro accidentally spits the drink inside of his mouth and wets the box: the widow quickly rushes to wipe out the liquid yet Conan seems to think something about this.

Kogoro and the others return to the : Ran & Sonoko went to pick flowers so they aren't present: Haibara & Okiya seem to have forgotten what they were doing there and are going over mystery series novels: the widow notices that Okiya's sleeves smell of meat and potatoes stew: Okiya and she begin to talk and Okiya says he likes cooking: Ran and Sonoko come back then: she talks about how she read the cooking book her late husband had bought for her over and over again to the point she opened some holes on it: Sonoko seems eager to meet Kid so she put up some make-on.

Conan then feels Kid's presence: the medicine Kogoro drank seems to be more effective than it'd been insofar, Okiya is scanning the surroudings while pretending to read the books, Agasa took too much time in the toilet... He also thinks he could've disguised as either Ran or Sonoko. Ran picks a chair and climbs on it to try to reach a book in a higher shelf: Conan stares at her tighs and what's beyond them...
Haibara: "Super lewd..."

That asides, Haibara says that everyone but Okiya had an opening in which Kid could've swapped with them but Conan suspects that Kid could've been impersonating Okiya ever since he showed up in the library.

The widow brings up her late husband's exchange diary: he only wrotes a few lines in the pages back when he was a student but shortly after they married she checked out the diary there were 2 pages she supposedly hadn't seen before filled with her late husband's writing: he retrieved it back on that day and she didn't see it again.

It would seem this info might be a clue.

Kid (thinking): "Oho. That guy's face... Looks like you've figured it out too... Detective. Where the paper is and what the box's contents are..."

Side-note: "The thief and the detective gloat: have all mysteries been solved!? Next number: the resolution!

Niente pausa
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view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 17:33     +1   -1

Detective avanzato



Dai è divertente che abbia variato i personaggi coinvolti solitamente nei casi di Kid :lol:
Tra l'altro Kid mancava da un bel po'!
Praticamente non abbiamo di che lamentarci

P.S. A proposito, "una famosa musica per i bambini dell'asilo" mi ha fatto pensare subito a "sette bambini"
Sento che questo caso sarà una enorme trollata
(e mi va bene lo stesso)

Edited by apotoxin91 - 18/6/2016, 19:20
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 21:36     +1   -1




Sembra che l'anziana conosca un po' troppo del marito per essere Kid. La più eclatante sarebbe Ai, ma già Genta è stato un'impresa per il ladro.
Kogoro lo escluderei perché Kid non avrebbe diminuito la tosse così velocemente. Se mantiene lo stile di cambiare travestimento ogni volta (un prestigiatore non deve eseguire due volte lo stesso trucco) anche Sonoko e Ran sono escluse, altrimenti l'osservare le cosce di Ran potrebbe avere un senso più da Shinichi.
Restano Agasa e Akai e io sceglierei il primo, su cui ci si concentra meno, anche se la domanda sulle maniche è sospetta. Ma forse serve per capire dove sono le istruzioni: per aprire la scatola bisogna applicare un metodo di cottura.

Ora che leggo il file in inglese, Agasa è stato invitato per la sua fama di apritore di scatole enigmatiche, ma non ha neanche provato. Sempre più sospetto...
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 21:53     +1   -1

Super detective



Per travestirsi da qualcuno, Kid ha bisogno di stenderlo e non credo che ci riuscirebbe con Okiya (l'unica possibilità sarebbe che Okiya se ne sia andato e quindi sarebbe possibile fingersi lui senza stenderlo).
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 21:56     +1   -1




Conan dice che se è Okiya deve essersi travestito prima di venire.
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 22:02     +1   -1

Be', Okiya ad inizio capitolo aveva detto di non essere interessato, per poi presentarsi lo stesso. Si può dire che sia troppo scontato che Kid si sia travestito da Okiya, ma se si segue questo ragionamento Kid avrebbe potuto benissimo travestirsi da Okiya mentre lui è a farsi i fatti suoi.
Comunque concordo con Shiheiji, Akai è abbastanza scontato. Punto su Agasa, anche perché è l'unico lì a parte Ai e Okiya a non essere mai stato usato da Kid per i travestimenti. Come ho detto, Okiya è abbastanza scontato; con Ai la cosa sarebbe inverosimile: passi Genta, è impossibile per un diciassettenne come Kaito travestirsi da una bambina bassa e magrolina.
view post Posted on 18/6/2016, 22:24     +1   -1

Super detective



Sembra un caso abbastanza originale...mi piace :D
view post Posted on 19/6/2016, 14:20     +1   -1




Credo che la preserva per farla interagire con (il vero) Akai a fine caso. Kogoro ha vinto il premio come miglior costume solo in uno speciale. Forse può ricandidarsi e, dopo Agasa, è il mio sospetto primario.
Sonoko è stata scelta da poco e sarebbe uno spreco, ma Gosho è in vena di cambiamenti e potrebbe riusare Ran.
view post Posted on 19/6/2016, 17:58     +1   -1

Super detective



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view post Posted on 22/6/2016, 20:05     +1   -1

Hot Baroness

Suimeikan ❤


file 964
Secondo me il gelataio è vestito da Ran... E il gurzo che fantastica sulle sue mutande
Voglio lo shock quando lo scopre
view post Posted on 23/6/2016, 06:09     +1   -1




Sono d'accordo. L'evacuazione di Agasa è troppo sospetta e imprevista per Kid (a meno che non gli abbia fatto mangiare qualcosa) e Okiya è lì per Kichiemon, secondo me, e sta cercando informazioni su altri suoi macchinari.
Forse Kid ha chiesto a Sonoko di cogliere i fiori con Ran in due posti diversi.
Poi la signora potrebbe conoscere il metodo di apertura. La scena in cui asciuga la scatola è molto insolita.
Aspetto di leggerlo in inglese.
view post Posted on 23/6/2016, 07:52     +1   -1




. Sonoko comments that the huge ammount of books reminds her of Shinichi's library and Conan admits that he got the same feeling

. Kogoro complains that Jirokichi should've searched them before calling them in and he replies that he spent almost a whole day with the staff looking at ALL books but they didn't find the memo

. Okiya asks the widow if maybe her late husband changed the memo's hiding place but she finds it unlikely since he died in a car accident a few days ago and surely couldn't predict a happening like that

Okiya: "But nevertheless your husband hasn't opened the box in 10 years, is that not right?"
Widow: "Didn't open when I was around. It'd seem he rather opened it when I wasn't at home."

. There was something her husband always said whenever she returned home from some errand

Husband: "Looks like you still haven't been able to open the box... I stuffed the memo with the instructions in the same page so... If you found it... You'd be able to find the true contents of the box yet... It'd seem it was too heavy of a burden for you. But if you REALLY want to see them... I'll tell you the book in which I hid the memo... It's a bit shameful, though."

. Okiya asks if there could be something else apart from the stone but the widow has no idea of what it could be: Sonoko argues that if he was going to tell her she could've asked him yet the wife thought it'd be a humiliation since he was so sure she wouldn't find it

. Come to these it could be that it's a book which she normally wouldn't read like those her husband liked: mystery novels and monster tales

. Kogoro's coughs worsen and Ran tells him to drink the medicine in the toilet: Haibara adds that there's a drink vending machine in the lobby: Agasa and Conan also go there

. In the meanwhile Jirokichi has posted a notice in the library (open to the public) saying he'll reward whoever manages to open the box with 1 million yen (aprox. 9.575 USD) but any challenger can only interact with the box for 5 minutes

. Conan watches a ton of people attempt in vain to open it: Agasa comes back and Conan complains he takes too long to which he replies he doesn't feel well and fears Kogoro's cold is affecting him too: despite that both are alone he calls him "Conan - kun" instead of "Shinichi - kun" which he always does when Kogoro and the others aren't around

. Kogoro attemps to challenge the box: he also tries to jump a couple meters away from the table but the cage accurately drops into his location as well: it's got a robot arm that allows it to change position

. The widow spots that the box got wet and she quickly takes it from him to wipe it while muttering that it'll be a disaster if water entered the insides of it, surprising Agasa & Conan

. Conan and the other 2 return to the store-room and find that only Okiya and Haibara are there: Okiya says Ran and Sonoko went to the toilet too: they haven't found the paper yet and Okiya is interested in some mystery novels he didn't know of while Haibara yawns, bored

. The widow comes in and notices that Okiya has the smell of the stew he readied before: the widow says that she's good at making stews, her husband loved them, and her husband's mother taught her the recipe, and that her husband bought her several cooking books which she's read over and over again: Kogoro suggests skipping those altogether

. The 2 girls come back and Ran notices Sonoko's put on make-up to appeal in front of Kid

. Haibara suggests that even if Kid shows up he'll surely be stopped by the anti-theft device and and the box's tricks and will be unable to steal the jewel

Kid (thinking): "I wonder 'bout that!"

. Conan notices Kid's "presence" very close by and begins to think who in the room it could be:

. Kogoro stopped coughing ever since he came back from the toilet
. Akai/Okiya is paying more attention to the surroundings than the book he's reading
. Agasa spent too much time in the toilet
. Jirokichi and the widow can be discarded: Jirokichi has the cage's remote and could've swapped the box at any time
while the widow wouldn't have gotten nervous when the box got wet
. Kid has disguised as either Ran or Sonoko before but they could be told apart by their height since they're more or less Agasa's height

. Ran sees a book which calls her attention but can't reach it so she climbs into a chair Sonoko holds: despite that Ran almost doesn't reach it and stretches so Conan looks at her one-piece dress and thinks he can almost see her panties but then thinks it could be Kid disguised as well

. Conan comes closer and decides that Ran's thighs are the usual size so it's the real one alright

Haibara: "Talk about a good sight... You look like a kid but you're a perv old man in the inside... You lewd..."
Conan: "Ah, no... I'm just making sure it's not Kid in disguise..."
Haibara (not convinced): "Super lewd."
Conan: "Well! Sorry for being a lewd, man!"

. Conan gets serious again and asks her if he noticed Kid's presence and she says that anyone but Okiya could be Kid: he's the only one who hasn't come out the room in all this time

. Conan thinks that Kid could've disguised as him and then come to the library: everyone feels suspicious again

. The widow then brings up that she and her husband shared an "exchange diary" when they were students but that diary was odd:
. Their deal was that she'd write the right page and the husband would write the left page
. The widow used to write the day's happenings and what she thought of her husband but it didn't fit in a single page
. The husband wrote in a cocked manner that would take about 3 pages to write what he wanted to write in the left page
. But despite that he only wrote a few columns
. Back then she thought the husband was a poor correspondent: but after marrying she found the diary on his desk one day
. She picked it to re-read it and remember her young times: but as she read it she found crooked writing taking about 2 pages she'd never seen before
. Afterwards the husband took it up and she hasn't read it again

. As a result the widow wonders if that's related to the hiding place of the memo

. Kogoro suggests that maybe some pages got glued because the husband could've been eating rice balls while reading it and the grains of rice could've gotten stuck between the pages

. Conan then reminds some statements by the widow:
. "My husband was very shy"
. "My husband's mother taught me the recipe in person, you know?"
. "If water got inside..."
. "That diary was very odd"
. "If you found that paper then you should be able to find the box's true contents too yet..."

. Conan suddenly seems to link all of the pieces together and grins

. Kid sees that from close by and grins as well

Kid: "Oho. That face... Looks like you've figured it out, too... Detective. The paper's location... The box's true contents as well..."
88 replies since 11/6/2016, 11:41   4613 views