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Intervista a Gosho sul calcio

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view post Posted on 30/4/2012, 11:03 by: Katsuhiko     +2   +1   -1

E' in intervista vere al 100% rilasciata sulla rivista B.L.T, ed e' stata subito tradotta da Justwaccount di Dcwiki

(Since the Japanese text doesn't seem completely faithful to the original, I'll translate loosely this time. The translation isn't completely direct.)

Q: いつ顷から、どういうきっかけでサッカーを好きになったか。
Q: Since when and how did you come to like soccer?
A: I liked soccer since the Agony of Doha (the international soccer match between Japanese and Iraqi representative opened in 1993). This is before Conan started. Although this was a match that let down Japan, I also felt like cheering (Japan). I've liked soccer from that time, yes.

Q. ロベルト・バッジョ选手(イタリアの至宝と呼ばれた选手)が好きだと闻いたが、他に好きな选手は?
Q. I heard that you like Roberto Baggio (footballer who was called Italy's treasure), but who else do you like?
A. Yes, I do like Baggio. As for other players, I also like Keisuke Honda, who is active in CSKA Moscow. His way of speaking is cool, and (his speaking? he?) is interesting. In old times, (my favorite was) Hide. Although there's another Hide in Conan, Conan's Hide (Hideo Akagi) appeared first (laughs).

Q. 今回、剧场版シリーズとして“サッカー”を题材するに至って、先生のこだわりとは?
Q. What is sensei's fixation when researching about soccer for this year's film series?
A. Endou's free kick in World Cup South Africa was amazing. Endou's free kick at that time had an amazing curve, drawing an arc toward the goal net . . . I thought, I want to make Conan kick this!!. Maybe this wish was included (laughs). Honda's knuckle shot was amazing, too . . . but I thought that knuckle shots would be impossible this time, product-wise (to understand why, please confirm at the movie theater).

Q. コナンのリフティングについて。
Q. About Conan's (soccer ball) juggling . . .
A. This appeared only around the first volume . . . I thought that it would be interesting if Conan was juggling (a soccer ball) while deducing, but the juggling scenes, when drawn, eat up the panel, contrary to expectations (laughs). That's why I only did it once. That's why I had Conan juggle to his heart's content, given the opportunity (laughs).

Q. 现役の选手の方々に声优を実际にして戴きましたが、どうでしたか?
Q. You had actual soccer players voice acting. How was it?
A. Everybody did their best for us, it was great. Kazu-san (Kazuyoshi Miura) was a natural, too.

Q. 作品中に出てくる东京スピリッツ、ビッグ大阪のユニフォームのデザインは、どこかのチームのユニフォームからインスピレーションはあったか?
Q. Did you get inspiration from some team for your work's Tokyo Spirits' and Big Osaka's uniforms?
A. Tokyo Spirits' is from Italy's Serie A Juventus F.C.. The team Baggio was a part of a long time ago. There's no specific (inspiration) for Big Osaka . . . but if you insist, I may have consulted Urawa Red Diamonds', Kashima Antlers' collar.

Q. 今回の构想期间はどれくらい?
Q. How lond was the planning process this time?
A. We started about two years ago. We can't finish on time if we don't start around there.

Q. 作品を描く时、どうしているか?
Q. When drawing your work, what do you do?
A. I can't focus when music is playing, so no music. I play music to improve my mood, or play movies to brighten my mood. When I'm thinking with focus, there is never any sound. In the old days, (I played) Eiichi Otaki, Blue Hearts, etc.

Q. 今回のようにサッカーという要素の中に、事件・推理・爆破などの要素を入れて、1つの作品として完成させるのは大変だったと思うが、どうだったか?
Q. It must have been a lot of work to include elements of soccer, incident, deduction, explotion and finish them as one product. How was it?
It was a lot of work. (I) already did (a case) in the manga where the culprit is sniping, and where Conan stops him, so (we) couldn't do sniping anymore (laughs). If sniping is out, you can only do explosions, right? (laughs)

Q. 打ち合わせは何度も重ねたんですよね?
Q. Business meetings were held repeatedly, right?
A. Business meetings are usually done at (Not a Japanese name, not sure wtheck this is)'s house, but when everyone was pondering over the cipher, we'll complete one part of a trick at the workplace and decide while saying "Let's use this!" . . . For tricks, the time when thinking up and deciding is fast. To finish a work, first finish the trick. If the trick isn't decided, the story doesn't form. In this case, it's not good to pull apart soccer as a whole. (We) first firmly decided the trick, then added elements of soccer to finish.

Q. これまでの作品で、実在する人がモデルになっているキャラクターはいるか?
Q. In your work so far, do you have character(s) who are modeled off of people in real life?
A. Only Detective Takagi isn't based off of a real-life person; he is based on a character who speaks politely in the manga artist Masako Yoshi's work. I consulted that character's insides, not (his/her) appearance.

Q. 今回の作品を実际に観て、特に印象に残ったシーンや“细かいところだけど気づいてほしい”というシーンがあれば教えてください。
Q. Tell us about scenes that left you an impression or scenes that you want others to notice despite being insignificant when you watched this year's work.
(The scene that) made me think Wow! is when the stadium's electronic bulletin board explodes, and . . . something happens, right?! Then Conan's suspenders (go to the theater for more). And Kazu's scene was good, its pace was easy-going in the middle of an up-beat one.

Q. 剧场版コナンを一般の映画馆で観るか?
Q. Do you watch Conan's films in an average (or public, I think) theater?
A. I'm embarrassed to watch in an average theater. But in the work "The Last Wizard of the century", since I suggested making Kaito Kid appear and I thought, Will (he) really
appear?, I went to a theater to just confirm "The Last Wizard of the Century"'s trailer while watching Gamera or whatever (laughs). Kaito Kid at that time was (based on) my storyboard, and I felt happy to see it on the big screen.

(My comment: . . . Does this mean that Kaito Kid knows Conan's identity in canon? Hmm.)

Q. 今回のコナンは冒头からハードアクションだったが、どんなアクション作品のイメージがあったのか。
Q. This time's Conan is hard action from the beginning. What action work did you base it on?
A. Die Hard or 24, maybe. (My comment: Gosho has mentioned in the manga how he has watched 24 before. It's a US detective series, so you guys should be able to watch it, if you wanted to.) I also based it a little on the work Panic in Stadium (Note: the US title is Two-Minute Warning), where there's turmoil in a stadium.

Q. 兰が新一に携帯电话で连络するシーンについて。
Q. On the scene where Ran contacts Shinichi with a cell phone.
A. In the original work (Note: the manga), (Conan?) uses a smart phone called XPERIKAN (Note: this is what's on the manga to avoid copyright violations, probably - not a real phone), not Xperia. Haibara (uses) Prada phone, and Vermouth (uses) iPhone.

Q. 兰など素敌な女の子たちが登场しているが、『名探侦コナン』という作品の中で特に好きな女の子は谁か?
Q. Charming girls like Ran appears (in your work). In the work called Detective Conan, which female character do you especially like?
A. I guess it would have to be the heroin, Ran. I like Ran, and the special girl would be Haibara. I think about Haibara's comments in the Conan News Agency, too; she's become my spokeswoman, hasn't she? Ran is full of courage, and she waits for Shinichi, which makes (Gosho?) happy . . . she's strong, too. By the way, I feel happy drawing scenes where girls are strong. Right now, Sera-chan is appearing, too, and it's fun to draw (her) . . . although, she has bags under her eyes (laughs).

(My comment: Whoa whoa whoa, does this open the possibility that Sera isn't Akai's sister, if the lower eyelid thing is just bags under her eyes and not some kind of genetic appearance-related thing?)

Q. ジャイアンツが好きだと闻きました。剧场版の作品で、スポーツに関する题材としてどんなスポーツをやってみたいか。
Q. I hear that you like the Giants. What kind of sports do you want to do as the theme of a film, if the theme is sports-related?
A. It would be baseball. But supporting Giants might be . . . (laughs). If (I'm/we're/etc) going to do it, I think that it's good to (pick a) sport that's famous all over the world. I like to watch sport matches. Basically, I watch anything.
36 replies since 30/4/2012, 10:57   965 views